Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Lesson

I was told by a professor once,
"Do not make my mistake,
Don't keep your head down,
And get your work done.
Stand up
Stand out
Don't hesitate!"

So I took these ideas,
And I bundled them up
And I didn't really know how to use it.

I've always been told to just keep on going,
Never settle.
Never stop.
Just keep moving.

Even in my rest
It echoes to me,
Through headphones
Meant to de-stress.
"Always move forward,
Going straight will get you nowhere"
Wise Words from Men in Eyeliner.

Doing what you're supposed to
Isn't always right
And keeping quiet
To keep your work moving -
It's a moralistic fight.

So I just try to keep going,
To keep my head up,
To settle for nothing,
And leave a few things to luck.
Work hard and continuously.
And don't lack to much fun.

Riley Welch

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