Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday Blues

Today I had the Monday blues,
different than the one that comes on a Sunday. 
This one felt long and trudging. 
This one felt cold and stagnant. 

Tuesday’s aren’t meant to be better. 
But maybe this one will. 

Riley Welch

Sunday, October 29, 2017


I just couldn’t sleep.
Everything seemed incorrect.
But light would come soon.

Riley Welch

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sleepy Wednesday

usually the sleepiness comes on a monday
it comes
slow and steady
as sleep does
catching me while i work
and while i write
and while i cook
hoping tomorrow
i could have five more minutes

Riley Welch

Monday, October 23, 2017


This sleepy Monday came to soon.
Both stressed and underprepared.
Thursdays seem so much nicer.
They are close to the end.

But I've made sure not to wish my weeks away,
they are still valuable for now.

Riley Welch

Saturday, October 21, 2017


The air was still when I left my house,
but 15 minutes later,
the leaves threatened my ankles.
I think this meant it was fall,
though I did not yet feel ready to let go of summer.
Something about bundling up wasn't what I wanted just yet.
Would this mean I would gain a thick layer of winter fat?
That wasn't really what I wanted.
Do hot beverages even keep you warm?
I don't have a fireplace. 

Riley Welch

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

After a long week of feeling both mentally and physically exhausted, I will resume poetry posting on Saturday. 

The last few days I've been attending a conference for all AmeriCorps members in the state of Colorado. I greatly enjoyed the content of my two days in Denver, but often left the presentations feeling tired and unable to turn off the thoughts in my head. Usually this is good for my writing, but I found this time it was not. There are many benefits to the non-profit sector -- mainly that you get to participate in meaningful work. But occasionally, thinking of all the need present within our communities, outside of our communities and in the world leaves me depleted.

When you look at the big picture, it can sometimes feel like there is always more that can be done, and never enough people to do it. And that just you as one person can only have so much impact. 


Even with that, this week sparked many productive conversations with my friends, my fellow AmeriCorps members and my loved ones about ways we can better our own small piece of this world. Whether it is through direct service and action, difficult conversations, education or just being a little bit nicer, bettering your slice of the pie will sometimes be all you can do. 

I know this isn't poetic, but I felt I needed to express this feeling, and because I have had a few days without content, I thought this would be the best place for it. 

I know that everyone makes an impact on their world in some way and I don't need reassurance that I do, I simply had to turn thoughts into something more tangible. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Have you seen the mail today?
I couldn't find it.
I think I was waiting on a check.
Yesterday or the day before,
I created all I could.
I was left exhausted.
So I forgot what I was doing.
everything seems lost.

Riley Welch

Monday, October 9, 2017

2 Miles

It was late at night,
when the sun first spoke to me.
I heard she might be coming back,
but this felt like a cruel tale.
I missed her warmth, but will admit,
I felt the dark sky held a certain comfort.
Not knowing who to believe,
I waited until dawn.

Riley Welch

Saturday, October 7, 2017


A rainy day

brought the biggest laziness

and I couldn't hold

it in, as you chuckled

through the strained

pages of "Anne".

Riley Welch

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Today's the first day
and I'll try to do "better".
The mountain air has
dried me out
and I miss the
warm sweet
kiss of a Texas summer.
The wind blew cold tonight,
and I finally remembered
my home.
She felt the same
and maybe I felt
a bit changed.

Riley Welch

Monday, October 2, 2017


Sometimes I can't think straight.
Or I can, but it's too rapid fire to make sense of --
usually this is when it is
hurt or
angry or
especially sad
and sometimes when it is incredibly confused.

And all of that is what washes over me.

Riley Welch